Aviana and Friends
Five is the number of the birds in this painting, and also an interesting number indicated by a V in Roman numerals, after I II III IIII which all made sense.
google gives me this: 5 is the first congruent number, as well as the length of the hypotenuse of the smallest integer-sided right triangle, making part of the smallest Pythagorean triple (3, 4, 5). 5 is the first prime, and the first good prime. And that's not all... 5 is also a Fermat prime, a Mersenne prime exponent, as well as a Fibonacci number.
I didn't get all of that, did you? I do love Fibonacci though.. then I found this:
"The earliest counting systems in the world are thought to be quinary (base 5), which developed from simply counting the fingers on your hand. "
I love that!
If you would like to acquire Aviana and her friends, the painting is available now and can be secured through Paypal below, or contact me or leave a message on facebook if you prefer.
Thank you as always - erika